Thursday, 12 March 2009

How you Can Have the Best Internet Dating Experience

What to watch out for in a perspective date

In order for you to have the best internet dating experience that is possible, you should be aware of a few scams that may be tried out on you that are popular with con artists you may encounter on many unsecured and free internet dating sites.

One of the most popular involves getting you to part with your money. Beware of a person asking for money no matter what the reason. To have the best internet dating experience, you need to value yourself and know that someone with honest intentions would never ask a person they did not know for money.

Beware of a person that seems just too good to be true because in reality they probably are.
Many spouses are looking for extra marital relationships and will say just about anything to attract potential partners. To ensure you have the best internet dating experience, do some research about the site you intend to use and check if there has been any fraud associated with it.

Create a profile to enable you to have the best internet dating experience

To have the best internet dating experience not just for you, but for your prospective dates as well, you are best advised to create a profile that is truthful. Just as you don’t want to be lied to neither does your intended date. They want to have the best internet dating experience too.

Though you may want to present potential dates with a photograph that shows you to your best advantage in order to have the best internet dating experience, provide a recent photo of yourself and not one of you in your long ago prime. Nothing is worse than expecting one thing and being unprepared to see a person who is overweight that has posted a picture of them as slim and trim.

Be sure you tell your correct age,
height and weight and be truthful about your relationship status. Posting a recent photo of yourself is said to increase your responses by at least 50%. You should also state in your profile exactly what it is you are looking for, whether it is a long term relationship, or just to find a date with which to have some fun.

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How to Write an Effective Online Profile

If you've ever looked for love on the Web, you already know that the key to online dating success is an excellent profile -- one that presents you in your best light while giving would-be suitors a glimpse of what it'll take to win your heart. Easier said than done. Why not turn to the pros who have researched the online dating world and know what works -- and what doesn't? In I Can't Believe I'm Buying This Book: A Commonsense Guide to Successful Internet Dating, author Evan Marc Katz includes strategies on how to write a terrific online personal ad, and he even offers samples.

When consulting with Internet daters, I take great pains to try to help people spruce up their profiles.
There are usually a bunch of things that can be altered, but most folks have a large blind spot when it comes to writing about themselves honestly, objectively and eloquently. Not only that, but very often the most articulate online daters write whatever comes out of their hearts without thinking of the effect their words are going to have on the reader.

I have deconstructed different profiles and attempted to analyze why I think they succeed.
I took examples from all different demographics, men and women, twenties to sixties, to illustrate that as long as a person writes with a distinct voice the content can vary, but the result will still be positive. What works for one person does not necessarily work for everybody, but the general principles remain the same.

Use specifics.

Be sincere and honest. Write like you talk. Show your personality. If you make jokes, make them tasteful, self-deprecating or sarcastic, and do so with caution. Figure out what makes you different from everyone else, and use it to your advantage. Again, stay away from generic adjectives and focus more on proper nouns and stories.

If you're going to be wordy, have something interesting to say.
Stay consistently positive and confident without seeming annoying and arrogant. Be proud of who you are and wear it confidently in your language and tone. Don't give anyone a reason to say no to you. No red flags, no obvious baggage, no glaring insecurities, no diatribes about past relationships, no spelling mistakes, no superficial wish list about money or looks.

You should have fun writing your profile. If you have fun writing it, the reader will likely have fun reading it.

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Thursday, 5 March 2009

How to Write a Great Profile for Internet Dating

There are no secrets to writing a great online dating profile, just common sense and honesty. No matter what your age, height, income or weight, they are what they are and will not change, at least not in the short term. However, they will all have a big influence on your initial contact success rate.

The majority of folks, who use Internet dating sites, have probably been doing so for a while.
Consequently, they are very adept at separating the wheat from the chaff. They do that by looking in-depth at some of the other information on your profile, which is where you can tell the full truth and still stand out.

Just about everybody, have some attributes that make him or her worth getting to know better.
Let yours out and you will attract a larger pool of equally interesting prospects. After all, your friends must think you are attractive, perhaps in a deeper sense than just looks, otherwise they would not be your friend, would they.

A Photo is a Must

The odds of getting any contact at all reduce sharply if you do not supply a photograph.
Most folks are initially attracted by appearance although that does not have to be a negative. Here you have your first chance to stand out. Most folks are not models or movie stars, yet they can still present themselves in the best light.

Many online dating photos are dark, fuzzy, taken at odd angles.
Let them see you. Dress as you would on that first date, which is hopefully better than just kicking-around-on-a-Saturday clothes. Smile, but avoid looking full of yourself.

The Attraction of Confidence

Even among the online dating crowd where some folks turn because they are shy or harder to get to know, self-confidence is the key.
However, you can let them know that you are ready to see and be seen without coming off like a jerk or jerkette. Lead with your strengths, but provide an honest assessment without boasting.

Write Intelligently

You do not have to be a professional to put down words in the form of a grammatical sentence.
See, those English classes turned out to be useful after all. There is a huge range of personal options within the category of style. But, folks who use dating sites are more likely to be better educated, whether that is college or self-taught. Sometimes, the latter are actually more knowledgeable.

If you write like someone who never left third grade,
The odds are high that you will get another person just like the one you did not like the last time. Let your native smarts show, without being showy.

Finally, remember - desperation has the worst odor of all.
Be prepared to lose a few in order to win the best ones. It is possible to push without being pushy. Show your natural gifts and self-developed accomplishments. Those who are like-minded are seeking you, as well, you know.

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How to Safely Meet Strangers from a online dating chat.

You are ready to meet somebody online, that is ready for Online Dating! That means you are not seeing anybody but only talking. Make it an interesting and safe experience.

Use email and the telephone to ask open ended questions and get the other person to share information about himself/herself. In other words, after asking "What kind of work do you do"?, ask "Why do you like that kind of work? What led you into that field?"

Gently interview the other person. Explain to him/her that you don't wish to "pry" into their life, but you feel there are definite possibilities for getting acquainted and you want to be very thorough in this preliminary stage.

Dating over the internet or phone over a longer period of time is better so that you can get to know the person better and who what their temperament, personality, character is like. Meeting up with someone you met only a couple of times doesn't give you their full spectrum of personality traits.

Do not promise a date or a meeting until you have had at least five fifteen minute or longer conversations by phone in advance of suggesting a personal meeting.

Do not rely only on email or written letters to get acquainted. Use ALL mediums possible. This will give the persona a better idea about your personality, it will bring up different aspects which may not be seen through just one way.

Be "businesslike". Don't arrange a first "date" -- arrange a "meeting", lunch or coffee break with a defined ending time. It should be casual.

When you arrange to meet the other person, leave a trail. Tell a trusted friend or relative who you are meeting, where and what time you're expected back.

Meet in a well lighted, public place which each of you can get to easily.

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Wednesday, 4 March 2009

How to Meet an Online Love Face-to-Face

You think you've met your soul mate -- or at least a decent dinner partner -- online. You've warmed up to each other through email and IM, and it's time to kick this thing up a notch.

Here's how to make it work.

Rule 1: You don't know this person.

Yes, yes, you've had three-hour IM conversations and exchanged hundreds of emails. But that doesn't mean you know this person at all. You don't really know what your buddy looks like, sounds like, acts like in person.

He may have a hard time expressing himself face-to-face (see rule #4); you may have thought all those references to "meeting with my lawyers" meant he was a high-powered executive when actually he's deep in a custody battle. (Conversely, your flame may not be ready for you to spring the idea of a perfect future in a four-bedroom colonial on him on the first date.)

Take it slow. If something doesn't seem right, respect -- and respond to -- that feeling. If he asks for your phone number too early in the game, politely explain you'd like to wait a while. "Men generally don't have the same apprehensions about online dating as women have, so they tend to cut to the chase much quicker," says Trish McDermott,'s dating expert. "Let him know that any hesitation isn't about him in particular." And if the first phone call doesn't go well, don't feel pressured to have to meet him in person.

Rule 2: Phone first, then face-to-face.

Even in the absence of red flags, don't jump from email to dining under the stars together in a single bound. Set up at least one or two phone conversations -- more, perhaps, if you two aren't in the same city.

Use these talks as a way to get to know the person better and to judge whether you want to take the relationship to the next step. On the positive side, treat your first phone contact as an actual date, a way to get to know the person better.

See whether the online spark translates into the offline world. "Go all out," Trish advises. "Set up a time when the two of you will each be home and alone. Pamper yourself a bit before the call. Take a long luxurious bath, or work out and then treat yourself to a hot shower. Wear something that makes you feel desirable. Even though your date can't see you, the right ambiance sparks romance."

Rule 3: Play it safe on your first date.

Always, always set up your first date at a highly trafficked public place, at a reasonable time of day -- late afternoon or early evening. "A familiar restaurant or coffee shop is fine, but not at midnight. Never meet at one of your homes or places of employment," Trish says. "Avoid hikes, bike rides or drives in remote areas for the first few dates.

If you decide to move to another location, take your own car. Make sure you end the date while there are still other people present." These precautions don't make you paranoid; they're just common sense. If going to another town to meet your online friend, "Arrange for your own car and a hotel room," Trish says.

"Do not disclose the name of your hotel, and never allow your date to make the arrangements for you. Rent a car at the airport and drive directly to your hotel. Call your date from the hotel or meet at the location you have already agreed to. If the location seems inappropriate or unsafe, go back to your hotel."

Rule 4: Don't put too much pressure on yourself -- or your date.

Planning a first date that's too long is a recipe for failure. "Don't plan an entire day together," Trish says. "Meet for one activity, and keep it at an hour or two." If things go well, there will be plenty of other opportunities to go on an all-day hike or spend hours antiquing through the countryside.

And keep it light: "Stay away from any intense issues or conversations. Don't interrogate your date, but do use this time as an opportunity to learn a bit more." Keep in mind, however, that many guys are more expressive in email than in person.

If Chatty Charlie turns out to be the strong, silent type in person, it doesn't necessarily spell disaster. You might have to work a little harder to draw him out in person. But if he refuses to answer questions, or his behavior makes you at all uncomfortable, take that as a red flag and remove yourself from the situation.

Rule 5: Make a good impression.

As cautious as you need to be, you also want to impress your date -- after all, he could be Mr. Right. If he's an upstanding sort of chap, he'll see your precautions as the signs of a mature, intelligent woman, but you still want to balance that with putting on your best face and behaving in a friendly manner.

(No one's going to ask someone out again if they're openly hostile.) "You make your best real-world first impression by being calmly and confidentially yourself," Trish says. "Try to enjoy the nervous energy you are feeling. Have fun. Remember to smile. People are perceived as more attractive when they are having a good time.

" She says the top attributes that go toward making a good first impression are "warmth, a sense of humor, imagination, confidence, success, fitness, individuality, body language, conversational ability, creativity and kindness." You may not be a perfect 10 in all of those, but you can certainly make sure the areas you are strong in shine. And that's good advice not just for the dating world but for your whole life.

Good luck!

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How to Act on a First Date

First dates can be intimidating but by following a few simple tips on how to act on a first date, you will not only survive that first meet but also guarantee yourself a second date. All it takes is some careful planning, remaining flexible, being tidy, polite and courteous, being relaxed and honest, being committed to having a good time and sharing about you without monopolizing the conversation.

Careful planning will help you to survive your first date and may lay the groundwork for a second date. Make sure you have planned the date ahead of time and arranged it so that it runs smoothly. On a first date, it is best not to leave anything to chance or to rely on making on the spot decisions about what to do next because doing so can create uncomfortable moments.

Do not just plan what you would like to do on the date but also map out the best routes to arrive at your destinations and pre-arrange any necessary reservations so you do not wind up not being able to find your destination or waiting a long time for an activity.

While careful preparation before the date will ensure that everything runs smoothly and will eliminate any unnecessary tension on the date, you may still need to remain flexible. Regardless of your best efforts, you may suffer a hitch in your plans and being flexible and willing to adapt to the situation will prevent you and your date from becoming frustrated. Your date will be impressed that you went to so much trouble in planning the date and will be flattered by your efforts.

Key characteristics for surviving a first date include tidiness, politeness and courteousness. While these characteristics are important in any dating situation they are particularly important on a first date. This is your opportunity to make a first impression that your date will admire, so go all out in trying to impress him or her.

Put extra effort into your personal appearance and strive to remain polite and courteous at all times. Showing your date that you respect them by taking pride in your appearance and treating them with respect will help you to not only survive a first date but also guarantee a second one.

It is important to be relaxed and honest during your date. If you are tense or evasive, your date may not trust you and will not be comfortable or eager to go on a second date with you. If you try to be something you are not, your date will most likely see through your charade and will be put off by your dishonesty.

In addition, they most likely will not be interested in pursuing a second date. However, if you relax and are completely honest, your personality will shine through and impress your date enough to entice them to be interested in a second meet.

Committing to having a good time will help you to survive a first date and guarantee a second one. If you go into a first date with apprehensions or prejudices, you will find yourself not having a good time. It is extremely difficult to have a good time if you are not open to the experience.

On the other hand, if you are truly optimistic and are looking forward to the day, you and your date will most likely wind up having a great time together. Your optimism and attitude will be infectious and will ensure that you both have a great time on the first date and are eager for a second.

Finally truly being interested in sharing details of your personal life and learning more about your date will ensure that you survive a first date. If you do not open up to your date and show them who you really are, they will most likely not be interested in a second date with your or even sharing much about themselves on the first date. If you are not afraid to share personal information about yourself and are open to listening to what your date has to say, you will have a very successful first date.

Many singles find themselves nervous and apprehensive on a first date because they worry about how they will get through the date and whether or not this first date will lead to future dates. It is okay to be nervous about a first date but following the advice in this article can enable you to not only survive a first date but also guarantee yourself a second one.

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Tuesday, 3 March 2009

How Singles Can Take Advantage of Valentine's Day

By Dr. Neil Clark Warren

There's a change in the way single Americans are looking at life. The old ideas about society's expectations are giving way to a new mind-set, to new ideas about managing life's most important decision. In my role as eHarmony founder, I get to touch base with many people who are searching for their life-long mate, and I am often astounded by the not-so-subtle change that is taking place.

The "needing" a mate to survive has become "wanting" a soul mate to create a brilliant, loving relationship. The idea that you can fix a mate once you're married and the relationship is already entrenched is fading, as more people insist on choosing emotionally healthy marriage candidates. And perhaps most importantly, singles are looking for mates who are similar to them in the ways that really matter most for long-term happiness.

Still, many of the singles I talk to dread Valentine's Day. They see it as a reminder that they don't have a special person sharing their life. They see all the romantic celebration around them and feel down and left out.

If you are single, why no celebrate this Valentine's Day in a way that will turn your thinking upside down. Use the day for your own purposes, to celebrate the changes you're making in your search for someone special.

You're Celebrating Your Decision to Select With Care

Most relationships are born based on four or five compatible traits (usually appearance, status, personality and chemistry). Based on my research, I learned that there are 29 critical dimensions in which most happy and successful couples enjoy great similarity. Once you start to learn about these traits, your mate selection process changes forever.

I firmly believe -- and my clinical experience has shown -- that individuals who are well-matched in these 29 areas have more enjoyable marriages. They share so much similarity that the mechanics of living together and loving each other just work well.

By celebrating this change in your thinking, you're virtually guaranteeing that you will never end up in a marriage where the differences between you and your spouse tear the relationship to pieces.

You're Celebrating Your Commitment to Emotional Health

Helping persons find a suitable marriage partner is an extremely complex endeavor, but in the center of all this complexity there is one simple and unchangeable truth -- a great marriage is built by two emotionally healthy individuals.

You may wonder how a person goes about becoming more emotionally healthy. Well, after seeing patients for 35 years, I've been able to draw a strong connection between emotional health and great decision-making. In fact, I believe that emotional health can practically be defined as a person's ability to make great decisions from moment to moment.

Let me repeat that: If you can make great decisions from moment to moment that balance a variety of concerns and input, you are enjoying emotional health.

For many years, my father made practically every decision for me. I was 30 years old. I was living miles away from him. He wasn't telling me what to do per se, but every decision I had to make was based on what I thought my father wanted me to do. He was living in my head, making my decisions for me.

The most important key to making great decisions is making sure that you are the only person in your "control booth." If you will commit on this Valentine's Day to this concept of emotional health, and live each day with an insistence upon making your own decisions, you will be laying the groundwork for a loving, healthy marriage somewhere down the road.

You're Celebrating Your Commitment to In-Depth Knowledge Before You Become Emotionally Involved

As human beings we are, in some ways, at the mercy of our biology. Ending a relationship, even with someone that we know is wrong for us, can be heart-wrenchingly difficult once we become emotionally connected. This quicksand effect has created mountains of misery for many well-meaning couples.

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is a commitment to getting to know someone well before becoming emotionally attached. By committing on this Valentine's Day to approach every date with your ears wide open and your objectivity in place, you can learn much of what you need to know about a potential partner before you lose your heart to him or her.

You're Celebrating Your Decision to Hold Out for Your Soul Mate

Many people decide that good enough is good enough. They decide that being alone is too painful and settle for the "next" person instead of the "right" person. I believe in the power of your soul mate, and I always encourage people to hold out until they meet that one special person.

This Valentine's Day, I want you to celebrate your refusal to settle. I'd like you to make a list of your top 10 "must have" traits and your top 10 "can't stand" traits. Don't be surprised when you discover how difficult this list is to create. You may have 50 items that you "must have" in a mate, but if you'll commit to a top-10 list, you will have given focus to your search and created a reasonable expectation.

Once they are completed, these two lists are absolute. This Valentine's Day, you are celebrating the power of your "must have's" and "can't stands." From this day forward, you will refuse to even consider a partner who does not fulfill both lists. This is the gold standard, and you will never accept less. As I'm fond of saying, a bad marriage is a million times worse than no marriage at all.

So, on Feb. 14, call some friends, order a pizza, go out on the town, do something special and celebrate the peace of mind you have in knowing that you are changing the way you search for a soul mate. Celebrate, knowing that when you do meet that soul mate, you'll be ready to create a brilliant relationship that will last the rest of your life.

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How Does Online Dating Work

You have heard folks chatting about it, you have more than likely seen advertisements for online dating services on television but for some reason, you have not yet tried it. Perhaps you are a little nervous or possibly, you do not know a lot about computers and the Internet. Maybe you will think less of yourself if you try to meet someone using technology rather than your own personality.

These concerns are quite understandable, but when you consider that millions of men and women are doing it every day, you have to think that maybe dating on line is not so bad after all.

So, I hear you ask, what is online dating and how does it work?

You first need a means to connect to the Internet, which most people already have so that should not be an issue.

Then using the Internet, you need to find a suitable personals dating website although do not let the word suitable scare you off. As you will see once you get into on line dating, many different dating sites cater to different groups or lifestyles. You will find senior online dating sites, Christian online dating services, single parent online dating, Finnish personals, Oklahoma singles and many more. In fact, there is an online dating community covering every genre you can think of.

Most of the online matchmaking or dating sites are subscription based, meaning that you will have to join before you will be able to participate. It will probably cost you money to join most dating websites but on some, membership is free. The procedure of joining normally does not involve much more than agreeing to the match websites terms and conditions and paying the fee, if applicable.

Once you are a member, the next thing you will need to do is create a profile and a header. Writing an online dating profile is not that difficult and is what other members are going to read. Based on your profile, another person should be able to decide whether you sound like somebody worth pursuing.

An effective profile not only describes you, it also talks about the qualities you are looking for in somebody else. Make it as unique as possible and be certain to proofread it before posting. That way, you can be sure that what it says is actually, what you want it to say. If the site allows members to attach photos to their profiles, you will have to decide if this is something you will want to do. If so, just follow the site's instructions on how to attach the photo to your profile.

Once your profile is posted, you can sit back and wait for others to begin corresponding or you can start checking out other members' profiles. If you find somebody who sounds interesting, you can initiate a conversation.

As well as corresponding via email and the facility to sort and delete your messages, online dating services usually offer other activities that you can partake in. Some sites offer live conversations via a message board or forum, whilst others host special events. Check both out and see whether these activities appeal to you.

Most online dating services are open around the clock so you can 'date' when it is convenient for you. As well as that, new members join all the time so there will always be someone new to check out!

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Monday, 2 March 2009

Guide to Online Dating and Services

When you think about the ease and convenience of the Internet, it is no surprise that online dating has become the success that it has. After all, the Internet is the first place that many people turn to for shopping, banking, research and a whole host of other activities. Consequently, online matchmaking is really just an extension of those other activities.

Pros and Cons of Online Dating

Online personals are a quick, easy and fun way to meet many people from all over the globe who you would not usually meet up with through traditional dating.

With offline dating, you are more or less limited to dating others from within a certain geographical area.

Dating online is a reasonably safe way to date as well. You do not have to agree to meet someone you have met online until you are ready to. On the other hand, if you are never ready, that is okay too. You can stop communicating with someone any time you are feeling uncomfortable.

When compared to traditional dating, dating online is quite inexpensive. After all, when you date on line, it is not necessary to spend money on a new outfit or an expensive dinner. However, once you find that special someone and you begin dating in the traditional manner, this will definitely change!

Corresponding with potential mates, which in traditional dating is better known as the 'getting to know each other' stage happens in the comfort of your own home and in your pajamas if you so choose. The pressure to make a great first impression is off when you date online and for many people, that is quite a relief.

Perhaps most importantly, people are tired of the traditional dating scene and all the head games and the rejection that go along with it. When people sign up for online dating and services, there is generally no mistaking what they are looking for. Relationships begin online and they end online, but online, putting an end to one, and handling rejection when it happens to you, is much easier!

Cons of Online Dating

Online dating does have its issues and it is important that anyone thinking about dating this way should be aware of the pitfalls. Perhaps most importantly is to accept that not everyone is who he or she claims to be. It is easy to create an identity online which makes it difficult to confirm who is genuine and who is not.

In addition, because it is impossible to really know whom you are dealing with, it is never a good idea to give out personal details, even if you have been communicating for a long time.

Another potential downside is that many online dating services allow their members to post photographs as part of the profile. However, with all the photo enhancing technologies that are available today, there really is no way of knowing whether the photo you are looking at is a true representation of the person you are communicating with or not.

Of course, that can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how much value you place on looks. If you remember the old saying of 'never judge a book by its cover', this should not be a problem for you.

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Getting Over Being Dumped: Tips for Coping with the End of a Relationship

From time to time, relationships go badly wrong. Most of us have been abandoned by a partner at some stage ion life. If not then you are very lucky. It is easier to leave someone than be dumped yourself but if you have been left, then you need to take your time and have a period of mourning before dating again. If a major relationship has ended it will take some time to recover and anyone who suggests you just bounce back is a fool as they are not in touch with the reality of the situation.

Do rely on good friends and do find time for yourself but ultimately it is time that will sort things out for you. Distance from the event and plenty of thinking and pondering will help put things in perspective but I will say that it is generally the case that that particular relationship didn't work out because there are far better things in store for you.

If that relationship didn't end, how would you ever go on to meet Mr. or Miss Right?

* Accept what has happened and do not try to win your ex back

* Never go back to someone once they have left you, it won't work

* Take some time out from socializing to get to grips with what has happened

* Make time for yourself to do some thinking

* Never allow your ex to suggest you will both be good friends

* Don't get in touch with, or try and see your ex to sort things out as you are
fooling yourself. Once someone has taken such a major step it is usually for

* Remove anything in your apartment that reminds you of them. Have a spring clean

* Do not allow your ex back into your house, it's over

* If you had shared friends, it will be a difficult period. Be prepared that
some people will fall by the way side

* Do rely on your best friends for comfort and they should allow you to talk as
much as you need.

* As soon as you can, come to terms with the loss and realize that you are not
going to be single again forever. That will not happen

* Do everything you can to rebuild your self confidence and demonstrate to
yourself what your ex lost

* Never blame yourself. If someone left you it was purely their decision. If
they couldn't communicate with you prior to the event it was their own failing

* If your ex was unfaithful if has nothing to do with your own bedroom prowess.
More their lack of self-respect

* Though it is a powerful mood, do not harbor grudges and desire revenge too
much. Hurting someone brings you down to their level. The best revenge is in
bouncing back and demonstrating how much they actually lost

* Learn from the failed relationship, not only about yourself but about what you
will never accept again in future dating needs

* Lose the photographs. There is no comfort to be found there

* Do allow yourself to be angry for a short time. In doing so you will feel
empowered to move on

* Being rejected hurts so don't allow anyone to tell you otherwise

* When you are ready do start socializing again even if dating is some way off

* Don't start a new relationship on the rebound, it is highly likely to fail and
you will hurt the new person too

* Hold your head up high and think only of positive things where possible

* Sometimes it is necessary to move location or job to recover. If this is the
case, it will herald a fresh start

* Don't email/phone your ex or look for reasons because you will often be lied
too. They will try and spare your feelings (laughably) by avoiding what they
really think

* Take a vacation if you can and get a wider sense of perspective. This includes
meeting new people and making new friends

* Don't go to your old haunts secretly hoping to run into your ex. That is a
recipe for disaster and will prolong the healing process

* Eventually, do treat yourself and buy new clothes and even change your image
slightly to get a fresh feel for things. A new haircut can do wonders and
instill a new sense of confidence

* Be patient and take your time with anything. Ultimately in the years that
follow you will feel strong and confident and will go on to have a beautiful
relationship. Just thank your lucky stars it wasn't with the fool who just
walked out the door

* Never make rash decisions in the days after being dumped. This is not the time
for clarity of judgment. Your friends will help you.

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